Zabasearch Intelius

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I searched for and found myself using ZabaSearch, however some of what I found was outdated or inaccurate. How will others who may be searching for me find me if you don't provide the right information about me?
A: Information found using ZabaSearch comes from a broad variety of public record sources. As such, searching for persons with numerous change of address records may turn up multiple address, phone and other data.  Also, most of this information was entered by people, and they are known to make clerical and typographical errors.
Q: Can you correct my information?
A: Because ZabaSearch does not maintain a database of persons, it is not possible to change the information it finds from various public records sources.
Q:  How do I block my information from being seen on ZabaSearch?

A:  ZabaSearch is powered by Intelius. The quickest and simplest way to have your information removed from our database is to send us a request via our online Opt-Out form. Be sure to include your email address so that we can notify you both when your request is received and when we've completed your opt-out.

For more details on how we protect your privacy, view our Privacy Policy

Q:  I work in law enforcement, or the judicial system, or the correctional system, or am an elected official, or have a sensitive government job.  How do I block my information from being seen by others?
A:  ZabaSearch respects and is sensitive to individuals whose jobs can be affected by public record or publicly available information being seen by others, and have been blocking this information since its inception when requested.  Please visit the data privacy center of the site for more information.
Q: How did so much information about me get out there in the first place?
A: ZabaSearch offers public record and social media info. That means information collected by the government, such as court records, country records, state records, such as the kind of information that becomes public when you buy a new house or file a change-of-address form with the post office.
Q:  What are some of the most common way my information is thrust into the public domain?


  1. The most common ways information gets into the public domain is through your phone company.  Unless you specifically ask to be unlisted, your phone number and address will be in the directory assistance database. Once you are in the directory assistance database, and then call and take your name out, and make your number unlisted, in many cases, it is too late, as the original listing will have been distributed.
  2. In most local counties, any property transaction, whether it is a sale or purchase of property, will result in a public record of that transaction.  Please note, that in many cases these records contain names, addresses, maiden names, and unlisted phone numbers.
  3. Voter registration records are publicly available information in states where available.  Voter registration provides the most recent address information as it is also used by many courts to issue jury duty notices.
  4. Filling out any sweepstakes cards or entry forms to win a car, vacation, or any item or service will result in your information being distributed to a variety of marketing companies, and thus this information will be made publicly available.

Q: How far back in time do the public records databases maintain the information they hold?
A: It varies. An address entered into a particular database ten years ago might belong to a person living at the address for the last twenty years. On average, we estimate most search results were entered into initial databases in the last ten years.
Q: Then how does identity theft occur, if not with that kind of information?
A: By and large, ID theft occurs because of security breaches and the malicious activities of criminally minded hackers, and not because of simple public information like name, address, and birth year. Consider how freely we give up our credit cards in restaurants or at the gas pump, where employees can access that information if they choose. Even when online breaches lead to ID theft, it isn’t because a group of  hackers are sitting in a room and trying to guess credit card numbers based on public information found on ZabaSearch or other public records searches.
Q: I see ZabaSearch also offers extended searches for a price, to conduct background or criminal record checks, that sort of thing. Don’t those services go beyond ZabaSearch’s free search service in a way that’s an invasion of privacy?
A: No, because we are a search engine and not a public records broker. The additional, fee-based searches you see on ZabaSearch are not conducted by us, but rather those companies those optional search links take you to.  For another perspective, please click here
Q: What about stories that state ZabaSearch makes it easy to invade the privacy of others?
A: ZabaSearch has received extensive media coverage, and is unfortunately the target of privacy related activists and news outlets which frequently misrepresent the company by stating ZabaSearch maintains a database of citizen public records. To reiterate: Information found using ZabaSearch is all available elsewhere on the web and is all public information. Just as Google has become the way we search for all kinds of general information – none of which is owned or maintained by Google – ZabaSearch represents the evolutionary next step in delivering to a free, easy to uses service for locating and reuniting with long lost friends, family members and loved ones.


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